Download prostate cancer diagnosis
Download prostate cancer diagnosis

download prostate cancer diagnosis

The Seminal vesicles (SV) and neurovascular bundle (NVB) Segmentations delineate t he neurovascular bundle and seminal vessicles as MHA files. S ee our tutorial on Using 3D Slicer with the Prostate-Diagnosis data if you are not familiar with using this kind of data. The Multi-component NRRD Segmentations allow visualization and downstream analysis in 3D Slicer of the following prostate components: prostate gland boundary internal capsule central gland, peripheral zone seminal vesicles urethra cancer – dominant nodule neurovascular bundle penile bulb ejaculatory duct veru-montanum and rectum.

download prostate cancer diagnosis

The XLS file contains pathology biopsy and excised gland tissue reports and the MRI radiology report for most subjects.

download prostate cancer diagnosis

Corresponding clinical metadata (XLS format) and 3D segmentation files (NRRD format) are offered as a supplement to this image collection. administration of 0.1 mmol/kg body weight of Gadolinium-DTPA (pentetic acid). Summary Prostate cancer T1- and T2-weighted magnetic resonance images (MRIs) were acquired on a 1.5 T Philips Achieva by combined surface and endorectal coil, including dynamic contrast-enhanced images obtained prior to, during and after I.V.

Download prostate cancer diagnosis